
Afrika-Verein (German-African Business Association) in collaboration with the Kenyan Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital Economy and the German Federal Ministry for Digitalisation and Transport invites you to

AV meets
Webinar "Unlocking Opportunities: Business Process Outsourcing in Kenya"
October 16th, 2024, 10:00 am– 12:00 pm (CET)

As the German private sector faces increasing challenges due to a shortage of skilled labor, particularly in the IT industry, strategic solutions are essential. This webinar will explore the chances of BPO for German companies in Kenya. With the Kenyan Medium-Term Plan Prioritising Business Process Outsourcing and Information Technology Enabled Services (BPO/ITES), the country is investing in its ICT infrastructure and technology hubs. This poses a unique opportunity for German companies. By outsourcing commissions to the skilled workforce in Kenya, operational costs decrease and collaboration increases.

The webinar will feature a keynote presentation by Stefan Schott, Head of the Global Partnership Hub at Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, who will offer valuable insights into the Kenyan BPO sector. Attendees will also hear a real-world success story showcasing the mutual benefits of BPO for German and Kenyan stakeholders. Roselyn Maundu, chair of the BPO Association Kenya, provides first-hand knowledge of the BPO ecosystem in her country for the webinar. Additionally, Peer Heinlein, CEO of Heinlein Supports as well as German operators outsourcing in Kenya will share their experience with the participants.

For participation, please register for the webinar HERE.

You could download the agenda HERE.

Join us to learn how you could expand your business and participate to the digital transformation using the Kenyan qualified work force.

We look forward to your attendance.

Dokumenten Downloads:

Download PDF: Draft Agenda_Webinar BPO Kenya.pdf


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Asmau Nitardy

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